Thursday, January 28, 2010


Our product is a portable touch-screen tablet loaded with software to help children with autism develop their social and communication skills. This program will improve the children’s skills through an interactive game that features scenarios to help them practice their interactive skills needed in daily life. Our product definitely needs customer input. We want to make sure that this educational toy will appeal to parents who have children with Autism.

1) What do you think of this product? Do you think it would work?
2) Would you buy this product?
3) Do you think this product will benefit your child?
4) What would you do to improve this product? / What other features should be added?
5) What features of a product for kids with autism are most important to you?

Please feel free to answer these questions in the comment section below. We would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have for our group. Thank You!


  1. 1) I have no opinion because I have not seen the product to give one. Not seeing the product, I cannot say whether or not it will work.

    2) I can't say whether or not I'd buy the product, as I have not seen it.

    3) I can't say whether it will or won't benefit someone with autism because... yep, you guessed it, I haven't seen it.

    4.) Can't make suggestions either for improvement on something I haven't seen.

    5.) That I can answer! Something that is fun, easy to use, doesn't require batteries every two days, easy to set up, portable and affordable. :)

  2. 1) What do you think of this product? Do you think it would work?

    Hard to say when you have no examples. but the idea is great. anything visual that can guide autistic is great. specially if done interactively. can help break down step by step what people can say or do.

    2) Would you buy this product?

    Yes, I would buy this kind of product. It should fit on an iphone, ipod, ipad. so it's handy to use.

    3) Do you think this product will benefit your child?
    It could.

    4) What would you do to improve this product? / What other features should be added?

    As I sad a step wise process for each social situation. that would be already great.
    even better if the child can put in alternative of how the situation is unfolding. you like the stories you are the hero kind of. a decision tree with 2 alternative. e.g. the person said no or yes. then what?

    5) What features of a product for kids with autism are most important to you?

    Products who can account for sensory issues. visual auditory in the case of an interactive product. check The product should have simple visuals, yet colorful, and gentle auditory sounds (no high pitch background music, but only voice, though can be rythmic), to not overwhelm the kids.

  3. Good luck with your project!

    I realize you don't have a demo at this point to share so it makes answering questions rather tricky, but I'd like to give it a shot.

    I'm the Mom of one son diagnosed with Autism (3) and one with Asperger's Syndrome (10). I recently also became aware that I am also an Aspie.

    1) What do you think of this product? Do you think it would work?

    ~~ The concept is appealing. I would need to know more information and see some sort of prototype.

    What ages are you gearing the product towards? (I have two sons on the spectrum who are 10 and 3.)

    2) Would you buy this product?

    I might. My kiddos love computers, electronics and gadgets so something like this would likely be up their alley.

    It would depend on the quality of the product, the age it was geared towards and also the price.

    3) Do you think this product will benefit your child?

    It very well could. It's impossible to say without seeing a demo.

    4) What would you do to improve this product? / What other features should be added?

    It would be neat to see software which could be regularly updated with new social scenarios that could be adapted to a child's specific needs and challenges.

    5) What features of a product for kids with autism are most important to you?

    No parts that my 3 year old can chew and swallow... (very oral), volume control / pitch options (not too loud or too high pitched), characters or a theme that my child can relate to.

  4. 1.I think this sounds like something that my child could use to help him understand how to interact with others and appear to be what society accepts as normal.

    2. I would be interested in buying this for my child as stated before I would need to see it to know for sure. There are a lot of items available for our children that work for some and not others, so seeing one and hearing more specific details would help in making a decision.

    3. It could benefit my child. I do think more is needed on the market to help with social skills. The communication and social skills are such important areas for these special children.

    4.It is hard to say how this could be improved without hearing more details.

    5. As for my child with autism, I would look for something that is easy for him to use, touch screen idea is great. Something safe and sturdy for he can be very rough on things. It should be fun to keep his attention. My son enjoys silly things like things falling and funny noises so maybe your product could use different software for the ones that don't mind the silliness and funny noises and then one for the others that need more quietness and simple pictures.

    Thank you for investing your time into making this educational toy to help children with autism to be better equipped to handle this world.
